BIM | Innovasol SA got the Maya Award for the best energy efficiency company
The twenty-sixth version of the Bolivian Maya Awards recently honored our youngest company, Innovasol S.A., for its contribution to energy efficiency. Innovasol is an instrument of the BIM impact investments group and offers its clients the conversion to solar energy, betting on the environment conservation by converting solar energy into a great opportunity to reduce energy costs and the emission of greenhouse gases.
Since its creation, Innovasol has carried out 35 operations, equivalent to 755 kWp of installed power, more than 1,000,000 MWh of clean energy generated and more than 500 tons of CO2 mitigated, achieving the conversion to solar energy of important institutions, among which highlights the Bolivian Private University, Biopetrol, ProMujer, the National Chamber of Commerce, the German Club, the La Paz Tennis Club, Embol, UNIFRANZ and Droguería Inti , among many others.
The Maya Award commits us to continue working for the use of clean, efficient and renewable energy, thus generating a positive impact for the population and the planet.