BIM | BIM at FOROMIC 2018: Panel “Microfinance and cooperatives in a digital world”

We are happy to communicate and invite our clients and friends to the Panel “Microfinance and cooperatives in a digital world”, which will be moderated by Fernando Sánchez, CEO of BIM INVESTMENTS, to be held at FOROMIC, the most important event in the sector in Latin America and Caribbean. Fernando has been invited by the IDB / MIF to this event in which Edgardo Pérez Preciado, from Fundación Génesis Empresarial (Guatemala), Patricio Barsallo, from Cooperativa CREA (Ecuador) and María José Jorda García, Fundación Microfinanzas BBVA (Spain) will participate as panelists. ).

Place and date: Wednesday, October 31 at 3:00 p.m., at the Puerta de Oro Convention Center, Barranquilla, Colombia.

The forum’s programming will include activities that will address how innovation, driven by emerging technologies and disruptive business models, is transforming the concept of inclusion in financial services, entrepreneurship and the development of new skills. The organizers have also reported that this event will offer “novel ways to create networks, experience innovation and establish business contacts in a unique collaborative space.”